Instructors for the 2020 Retreat
"Lighting the way to Wellness"
Yoga Teacher & Dance Instructor
Johanna lives in the San Francisco area, and specializes in yoga, pilates, dancing, meditation and spiritual journeying.
Colby Munger
Tai Chi
Colby began meditation and Tai Chi in the fall of 1983. His early contemplative experiences led him to the practice of Tai Chi so that he could experience ..... read more ...
Pamela Lau
Yoga Instructor, Organizer and director
Pam has been a yoga enthusiast and practitioner for more than forty years. She found that the more she shares her practice with others the more she learn about the sacred art of yoga.
My first introduction to the world of arts and Crafts was when I received the McCall's Make it book at age six. The book was crammed with different craft ideas. Read more...
Ballet Dancer
Alexandr is a professional ballet dancer, choreographer and teacher from Vladimir, Russia and longtime member of the Moscow Ballet Company.. Since 1994, Mr. Alex has taught ballet throughout the United States. He will be sharing the joy of dancing with the group.
SSYWG Secretary
Amelia is a retired teacher from rural Alaska. With a focus on her students’ emotional wellbeing, she relied on artistic expression, yoga, and meditation in her classroom to ...... Read more...
Soitza Devlin
Cooking Instructor
Zoitza is a cooking instructor for Bayview Cooking School since 2011. Read more...
Linda Wexler
Linda Wexler is a physician, wife, mother and lay contemplative who believes the interconnection of body, mind and spirit can be used for improving health and well being. Read more ...